Teaching Plan (RPP) Of Redox Reaction On 2013 Curriculum

The Teaching Plan (RPP)
Education Units
allocation of time
: High School
: Chemicals            
: X/I
: The Concept of Redoks
: 3 hours/week

I.         The core competence
KI 1
KI 2

KI 3

KI 4
: Ponder and practice religion destined
Ponder and practice the behavior of honest, discipline, responsibility, care (gotong royong, cooperation, tolerant peace), polite, responsive and pro-active and show the attitude as part of the solution of the various problems in effectively interact with social and natural environment and in placing ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the association of the world.
Understand ,apply, analyzing factual knowledge, conceptually, procedural based on the taste of ingintahunya about science, technology, art culture and humanities with insights humanity, national statehood and civilisations related to the cause of the phenomenon and Genesis, and apply procedural knowledge in the field of specific studies in accordance with the talent and interest to solve the problem.
: Processing, menalar, and entertainment of the jurisdiction of concrete steps and venues of abstract related to the development of the learned in the school independently and capable of using the appropriate method scholarly rules.
II.      Basic competencies



Be aware  of the order in the structure of the particles of matter as the manifestation of the greatness of God Almighty and the knowledge of the structure of the particles of matter as a result of human creative thinking that the truth is tentative.
Show scientific behavior (have curiosity, discipline, honest, objective open, able to distinguish facts and opinions, resilient, carefully, responsible, critical, creative, innovative,  democratic, communicative ) in designing and doing experiments and discussions that is manifested in the day-to-day attitude. 
Analyzing the development of the concept of the reaction of oxidation-reduction and determine the numbers of oxidation of atoms in a molecule or ion.
Designing, do, and concluded and presents results of experiments the reaction of oxidation-reduction.

III.   The indicator
1.    Identify the fact the reaction of oxidation and reduction that occurs in everyday life.
2.    Explain the sense of the reaction of oxidation and reduction based on the reaction of the conjunction and the secretion of oxygen.
3.    Explain the sense of the reaction of oxidation and reduction based on the reaction of the handover of the electrons.
4.    Explain the sense of the reaction of oxidation and reduction based on the increase and decrease the number of oxidation.
5.    List the characteristics of the reaction of oxidation and reduction based on the example of the reaction .
6.    Determine oksidator and reduktor in reaction redoks.
7.    Find the concept of the number of oxidation of the atom elements in a compound or ion through the exercise the questions.
8.    Designing experiments to know the reaction of redoks so can solve environmental problems.
IV.   The purpose of the lesson
After attending learners have the attitude to recognize the order in the structure of the particles of matter as the manifestation of the greatness of God Almighty and the knowledge of the structure of the particles of matter as a result of human creative thinking that the truth is tentative and scientific behavior (have curiosity, discipline, honest, objective open, able to distinguish facts and opinions, resilient, carefully, responsible, critical, creative, innovative,  democratic, communicative) in designing and doing experiments and discussions that is manifested in the attitude of a day-to-day and to be able to : 
1.   Identify the fact the reaction of oxidation and reduction that occurs in everyday life.
2.   Explain the sense of the reaction of oxidation and reduction based on the reaction of the conjunction and the secretion of oxygen.
3.   Explain the sense of the reaction of oxidation and reduction based on the reaction of the handover of the electrons.
4.   Explain the sense of the reaction of oxidation and reduction based on the increase and decrease the number of oxidation.
5.   List the characteristics of the reaction of oxidation and reduction based on the example of the reaction .
6.   Determine oksidator and reduktor in reaction redoks.
7.   Designing experiments to know the reaction of redoks so can solve environmental problems.

V.      Lesson Materials
1.    The development of the concept of the reaction of the child and reduction of oxidation (REDOKS)
2.    The concept of the reduktor and oksidator

VI.   Learning Methods
1.    Discovery/inkuiri

VII. The appliance/MEDIA/Ingredients
1.    The appliance
2.    Media 
3.    Ingredients 
: The appliance and trial materials
: -
: Hand out, chemical text book and worksheets

VIII.       Activity Steps
The details of the Activities
The Time
a.  The students said they could to pray before    
 Learn, then register the presence.
b.     As apersepsi asking questions : 
ü  Write the configuration of the electrons 11Na and 17Cl? 
ü  What happens on the electrolyte solution,
   So it can be sent the electricity ?
c.     Show Pictures apples, potatoes and bananas that split and left open in the air.
d.    Explain the purpose of the lesson/KD who want everything
e.     Inform the scope of the materials to be learned.
f.      Ppa classified all learners in each group 4 man.

                 Ten minutes
Core Activities
1.     Observe the characteristics of chemical changes (chemical reaction), for example fruit (apples, potatoes or bananas) which split and left in the open air and observe the rust of iron to explain the reaction of oxidation-reduction.
2.     Listen to the explanation of the development of the concept of the reaction of oxidation and reduction of the number of oxidation of elements in a compound or ion.
Mutual Inquiry
8.   Ask a question why apples, potatoes or bananas which had white after left in the air become brown?
9.   Why does the iron may stain? How to write common reaction?
10.             How to determine the number of oxidation of elements in a compound or ion?
  Data Collection 
1.      Trial design the combustion reaction and the handover of the electrons and present the result to equate perception.
2.      Experiments combustion reaction and the handover of the electrons.
3.      Observe and record the results of the combustion reaction experiment and the handover of the electrons.
1.      Analyzing data to conclude the combustion reaction and the handover of the electrons .
2.      Write the reaction of the burning of the result of the experiment.
3.      Compares the number of elements before and after the reaction.
4.      Practice writing common combustion reaction.
5.      Write the reaction of the handover of the electrons of the result of the experiment.
6.      Practice writing parallels the reaction of the handover of the electrons.
1.        Presenting the results of the experiment combustion reaction and the handover of the electrons.

115 minutes

The cover
1.  Make the conclusion.
2.  The task of training.
3.  Inform the plan learning activities that will come.

Ten minutes

IX.   The assessment
1.      The mechanisms and Procedures
The assessment is done from the process and the results. Assessment of the process is done through the active (discussing, communicate and asked). While the results of the assessment conducted through written test.
2.      An example of the instrument (Attached)
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Jambi,            July 2017
The headmaster 

name  of headmaster, M.Pd
NIP. 9999999999999999

Subject Teachers

 Teacher name, S.Pd

X.      Attachments
A.     The assessment instrument the attitude
The format of the observation of the attitudes and social skills
The names of the Students
This aspect is considered
The value of the End
The skill
The Attitude

The presence of
The skill
The Attitude
1.    The presence of
2.    The Cooperation
3.    Convey the opinion of
4.    Listen to the opinion of
5.    Responding to the opinion of others
6.    Fortitude
7.        Honest
8.        The responsibility
9.        Curiosity
10.    The seriousness of the moment learn
11.    When the activity of learning
12.    Courtesy of teachers
13.    The appearance in the process of learning
14.    The accuracy of collecting tasks
15.    And politeness in behavior
16.    Appreciate the opinion of a friend
17.    Concerned for the environment
18.    Positive thinking
Criteria      assessment is as follows :70 < 
                      =  less (K)70 - 80
          =  Enough (C )81 - 90
          =  Good (B)91 - 100
          =  very good (A)


B.     The assessment instrument knowledge and appraisal guidelines
 Knowledge Assessment instrument
The value of the score
The Weight
The number of Your Score
The Task1

The Task2

The Task3

The Task4

The Task5

The number of

Appraisal Guidelines

The value =  x 100%

C.     Skills Assessment instrument and the rubric assessment of the /Appraisal Guidelines
Skills Assessment instrument
Skills evaluation taken the results of the group discussions using the format as follows :
      Give the Sign (v) according to work achievement learners!


The Activities
The quality of the work
Write down the observation result redoks reaction based on the influence of oxygen

Write down the observation result redoks reaction based on the movement of the electrons

Write the equation of the chemical reactions on the reaction redoks

Designing experiments that related with redoks reaction that can solve the problem on the environment

Find the concept
Redoks reaction that occurs in the solution

Appraisal Guidelines
The value =  x 100%

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13 komentar

  1. On the 4th core competency there is "entertainment jurisdiction" what is it?

  2. What with discovery methods can improve students' learning comprehension

  3. what the meaning of Mutual Inquiry?

  4. what mwthod you use in this study planning?

  5. What the function skill assesment instrument?

    1. Skills evaluation taken the results of the group discussions using the format as follows

  6. what is the difference function of Hand out, chemical text book and worksheets

  7. What is your purpose of making rpp ???

    1. After attending learners have the attitude to recognize the order in the structure of the particles of matter as the manifestation of the greatness of God Almighty and the knowledge of the structure of the particles of matter as a result of human creative thinking that the truth is tentative and scientific behavior (have curiosity, discipline, honest, objective open, able to distinguish facts and opinions, resilient, carefully, responsible, critical, creative, innovative, democratic, communicative) in designing and doing experiments and discussions that is manifested in the attitude of a day-to-day and to be able to :
      1. Identify the fact the reaction of oxidation and reduction that occurs in everyday life.
      2. Explain the sense of the reaction of oxidation and reduction based on the reaction of the conjunction and the secretion of oxygen.
      3. Explain the sense of the reaction of oxidation and reduction based on the reaction of the handover of the electrons.
      4. Explain the sense of the reaction of oxidation and reduction based on the increase and decrease the number of oxidation.
      5. List the characteristics of the reaction of oxidation and reduction based on the example of the reaction .
      6. Determine oksidator and reduktor in reaction redoks.
      7. Designing experiments to know the reaction of redoks so can solve environmental problems.

  8. If there are students who still can not react or equalize redox reaction,what will you do?


  9. What applications will you use to make it easy for students to understand the material about the redox?
