Colloidal Solutions

A colloidal solution, sometimes known as a colloidal suspension, is a solution in which a material is evenly suspended in a liquid. In other words, a colloid is a microscopically small substance that is equally dispersed throughout another material. This graphic provides a good introduction to colloidal materials:

While colloidal systems can exist in any one of the three main forms of matter, solid, liquid, or gas, a colloidal solution specifically refers to a liquid mixture. The differentiating factor between a true solution and a colloidal solution is essentially the size of the particles. In a true solution, such as salt water, sodium chloride molecules are fully dissolved into water, and the solution can pass through a membrane without becoming separated. In a colloidal solution, on the other hand, the particles are larger and don’t dissolve, but rather become equally dispersed throughout a liquid. As such these particles will not pass through a membrane as the liquid does.

There are three sub classifications of colloidal solutions: foams, emulsions, and sols. A foam in this context is formed by trapping a gas in a liquid. The material being distributed would be the gas, causing the liquid to become foamy. An example of this would be shaving cream. An emulsion is a mixture of liquids; it’s essentially when one liquid is evenly distributed throughout another liquid. An example of this would be milk or mayonnaise. The third form is called a sol, which is when a solid is evenly distributed throughout a liquid. Examples of sols include blood, paint, and silver aquasols.

A hydrocolloid is a more specific type of colloid solution in which the liquid a specific material is being dispersed in is water. These colloidal solutions can be further described as being reversible, in which the two substances can be easily separated again, or irreversible, in which they cannot. Hydrocolloids are commonly used in food products to manipulate texture, like in gelatins or sauces.

In the natural environment, colloidal solutions are important in many processes, and can often serve as transport vectors. Various particles being transported through water can essentially attach themselves to the particles suspended in the water. By the same token, colloidal solutions can serve to transport more damaging substances through the water table, such as radioactive material.

Colloidal solutions are very important in the medical field because they can be used to manipulate blood conditions. More specifically, they are often used to regulate colloidal osmotic pressure, a pressure applied by proteins in the blood to pull water in the vascular system.

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9 komentar

  1. You say Hydrocolloids are usually used in food products to manipulate textures. Give me an example of what foods commonly use hydrocolloids?

    1. Hydrocolloids , often called gums,a are hydrophilicb polymers, of vegetable, animal, microbial or synthetic origin, that generally contain many hydroxyl groups and may be polyelectrolytes. They are naturally present or added to control the functional properties of aqueous foodstuffs. Most important amongst these properties are solubility [2560], viscosity (including thickening and gelling) and water binding but also significant are many others including emulsion stabilization, prevention of ice recrystallization and organoleptic properties. The degree with which the hydrocolloid solutions mix with saliva, determined by their degree of chain entanglement, determines flavor perception

  2. Does our body need colloids? Please explain?

    1. By having a direct effect on cellular respiration, colloidal silver benefits the body in numerous ways. There are, however, eight proven healing properties that I consider to be particularly supported by the medical literature.

      1. Antibacterial
      2. Wound Care/Skin Health
      3. Pink Eye/Ear Infections
      4. Antiviral
      5. Anti-Inflammatory

  3. why A hydrocolloid is a more specific type of colloid solution?

    1. A hydrocolloid is a more specific type of colloid solution in which the liquid a specific material is being dispersed in is water. These colloidal solutions can be further described as being reversible, in which the two substances can be easily separated again, or irreversible, in which they cannot. Hydrocolloids are commonly used in food products to manipulate texture, like in gelatins or sauces.

  4. What is the difference between solution, colloid, and suspension?

    1. A solution is always transparent, light passes through with no scattering from solute particles which are molecule in size. The solution is homogeneous and does not settle out. A solution cannot be filtered but can be separated using the process of distillation.

      A suspension is cloudy and heterogeneous. The particles are larger than 10,000 Angstroms which allows them to be filtered. If a suspension is allowed to stand the particles will separate out.

      A colloid is intermediate between a solution and a suspension. While a suspension will separate out a colloid will not. Colloids can be distinguished from solutions using the Tyndall effect. Light passing through a colloidal dispersion, such as smoky or foggy air, will be reflected by the larger particles and the light beam will be visible. A hydrocolloid can simply be defined as a substance that forms a gel when it comes in contact with water. Such substances include both polysaccharides and proteins .

  5. Explain how to distinguish true solution and colloid solution ?
